Mining Comparator

ClubMining IO vs. ASIC Miner / Others
1 5 10 50 100 500
1 Month
0% Discount
3 Months
-5% Discount
6 Months
-15% Discount
12 Months
-35% Discount
Criteria / Elements Cloud Mining with ClubMining IO ASIC Miner / Others
Initial Cost $0 $14,474 (ex: Bitmain Antminer S21 XP Hydro)
Cost per TH/s (1 month) $9.99 / THs
$30.6 / THs
Total cost for the chosen duration Calculating... Calculating...
Profit Difference Calculating...
Maintenance Included Required
Electricity Included Estimated (~$1,000-$2,000/year)
Mining Pool Fees Included Expected (2-5% of earnings)
Hardware Upgrades Included Mandatory (obsolescence in 5-6 years)
Additional Costs and Constraints
Obsolescence Risk None High (rapid hardware evolution)
Physical Maintenance None Yes (cleaning, ventilation, etc.)
Setup Time None Yes (complex initial configuration)
Price Fluctuation Risk Medium (depends on crypto market) High (direct impact on profitability)
Space Required No Yes (ventilated room required)
Hidden Costs (spare parts) No Yes (fans, power supply)
Functional Advantages
Quick Access Yes (immediate) No (requires setup)
Total Equipment Control No Yes
Flexibility High Low
Mobility Yes No
No Logistics Management Yes No (requires maintenance and monitoring)
Simplicity and Efficiency
Ease of Access Very easy Moderate
Performance Management Automatic Manual (via ASIC dashboard)
Service Downtime Risk Low Depends on outages or failures
Initial Configuration Simple Complex
Real-Time Monitoring Yes (via platform) No (unless using external tools)

The information and results displayed in this comparator are provided solely for informational purposes and do not constitute a guarantee of future performance or an explicit investment recommendation.

We remind our users to never invest funds they cannot afford to lose. Any financial commitment should be undertaken with caution. If external financing or credit is used, it is essential to ensure the ability to repay within the specified timeframes. Given the volatile and unpredictable nature of cryptocurrency markets, the simulated results may significantly differ from actual performance. All investment decisions are the sole responsibility of the user.

The monthly rate of $9.99 per TH/s forms the basis of the subscription, which can be adjusted according to the discounts and durations chosen by the user. This dynamic approach reflects historical market fluctuations while incorporating realistic growth assumptions.

Technical and Financial Considerations:

- Additional Costs: The comparator does not account for potential extra costs, such as variations in mining pool fees for physical equipment, unexpected breakdowns, or hardware upgrades.
- Mining Yield Based on Duration: Estimated yields may vary based on the selected contract duration, network fluctuations, and mining difficulty. A long-term commitment may offer potential advantages but also comes with risks associated with technological changes.
- Electricity and Maintenance: For ASICs, estimated electricity costs can vary depending on the region and local rates. Additionally, extra expenses related to physical maintenance and spare parts may impact overall profitability.
- Performance Fluctuations: Mining performance is sensitive to changes in network difficulty, cryptocurrency prices, and potential technical failures. The displayed results should be considered indicative simulations rather than precise predictions.

Disclaimer on Estimated Profit Differences:

The Profit Difference section displays the estimated difference between the cumulative costs of the cloud subscription and purchasing an ASIC. However, it does not guarantee an equivalent real-world profit. Users should consider this figure as an adjustable projection, subject to actual market conditions.